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Quick Links regarding our CNC:
From Doug Freeman
Key for me is a blue light on shapeoko, orange light button on the power supply, and a reading in that top display window. if those 3 are not on, don't start the program
Glossary of Terms
Collet: Cone-shaped sleeve that holds an end mill in place in the router or spindle.
End Mill / Cutter: Cutting tools used by a CNC machine. End mills are similar to drill bits, though, typically they can cut in all directions. End mills come in several varieties, including square, ball nose, and V-bit, and many sizes.
G-code: General, or geometric, code, is a CNC programming language that controls when, where, and how the machine tools move across the workpiece. For example, when to turn on or off, how fast to travel to a particular location, what paths to take.
Gantry: A multi-axis motion system of rails and carriages supported on the sides by, and spanning over, the baseframe, giving the router overhead access to a workpiece.
Homing: The process of sending the machine to a known, fixed, repeatable location. This means that every time you home, the machine will move to exactly the same position allowing you to move your machine to positions relative to the home position, with great precision. The home position for the
Shapeoko Pro is in the back-right corner.
Job Zero / Job Origin / Toolpath Zero / Program Zero: It may have many names, but job zero basically tells the machine where to begin running the job. Job zero is a point in your design where all of the toolpaths will be based from (the X, Y, and Z coordinates). Job zero is commonly set in the lower-left corner of your stock.
Jog: Move the router to a specific position (a set of X, Y, Z coordinates) in the work area. Stock /
Workpiece / Material: The sheet of material (wood, composite/synthetic, metal) being machined.
Tool Change: When running a job that require multiple tools, Carbide Motion will prompt you each time you need to change tools. After each tool change, your Shapeoko Pro will use the BitSetter to measure the length of the new tool.
Toolpath: A toolpath is the route the cutting tool will follow as it shapes the workpiece. We use Carbide Create, Carbide 3D’s cross-platform CAD/CAM program, to define the toolpaths for a project.
Working Envelope: A working envelope is the CNC machine’s range of movement across each of its three axes, X, Y, and Z.
Workholding: These are the options for securing your stock material to the machine table
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