Table of Contents
TheLab is a do-ocracy: if you want something done, do it!
- Be accountable: post any changes to #make-the-space
- If a change would be hard to reverse, reach consensus with other members in Discord first
TheLab is a diverse group of individuals. Members are expected to respect and include each other regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, politics, religion, disability, level of education, appearance, etc.
- Leave the space a little better than you found it
- Take the trash out to the dumpster when bins are full
- Food trash goes directly to the dumpster - not to indoor bins
- If you feel unsafe making a trip to the dumpster (e.g. at night), leave the bag beside the woodshop door.
- Any personal items left unattended for >24hr can be moved to the lost and found bin by any member
- If you aren't confident about how to use something, don't use it!
- Use appropriate PPE and consider the safety of others
- If anything is broken, leave a note on it and post to Discord
- Active projects can stay in the storage room (not elsewhere please)
We primarily use Discord for communication and this wiki for documentation.
The wiki is maintained in the same way as the physical space - please make improvements and stay accountable by posting in #make-the-space when you do so!
basics.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/02/09 23:24 by ef2d127d-e37b-942b-aad0-6145e54b0c61