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Table of Contents


TheLab is a do-ocracy: if you want something done, do it!

  • Be accountable: post any changes to #make-the-space
  • If a change would be hard to reverse, reach consensus with other members in Discord first


TheLab is a diverse group of individuals. Members are expected to respect and include each other regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, politics, religion, disability, level of education, appearance, etc.

  • Leave the space a little better than you found it
  • Take the trash out to the dumpster when bins are full
  • Food trash goes directly to the dumpster - not to indoor bins
    • If you feel unsafe making a trip to the dumpster (e.g. at night), leave the bag beside the woodshop door.


  • If you aren't confident about how to use something, don't use it!
  • Use appropriate PPE and consider the safety of others
  • If anything is broken, leave a note on it and post to Discord
  • Active projects can stay in the storage room (not elsewhere please)
basics.1736463412.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/01/09 22:56 by 6b86b273-ff34-fce1-9d6b-804eff5a3f57

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